In this image movement is the main design element represented but not the only. The abstracted radio makes for a very interesting lines and textures. The primary colors are also incorporated in the subject matter. The composition is very asymmetrically balanced, which also creates interesting shapes that keep the eye wanting. The black background is contracted by the light or darkness of the lines. By shooting a longer exposure you have a little bit more control of the values that are achieved in your image. To create this effect you will have to use a camera with manual controls. After deciding the subject you would like to experiment with, open up the shutter on the camera and move the camera or lens different directions. When you think you have exposed the film (or card for a digital) long enough close the shutter. This technique is best used on a digital camera so you don't have to wait time and money on developing film, since the success rate can be low.
This photography taken in New York City is a wonderful representation of positive and negative space. There are also many other design elements at work here as well. The building's construction and windows brings and interesting element of texture to the image. The lines on the street and the building's themselves draw the eye into the photograph. The sky and building's balance out one another not only in size but in contrast as well.
This Dragonfly scene is inspired by Eric Carle'sThe Very Hungry Caterpillar. Each person in the class created a different textured or colored piece of paper. We shared our different backgrounds and created collages, based on the style Eric Carle. This collage project could be in different subject matters. The only draw back when doing this project is drying time. I enjoyed this project and had to pay special attention to make sure my pieces fit together like a puzzle. I used a mostly warm palette contracted by the cool background. The wings of the dragonfly lead your eye through out the composition.
In this project students (grade 5-6) have more freedom when introduced to art history. The students are to make their own representation of a city either fantasy or some where they have visited. Cut out swirls and various shapes out of tissue paper to represent the movement of the wind and the structure of the stars found in our own "Starry Night," these shapes are then glued to a black sheet of construction paper. Making sure to cover the whole paper, since you won't know how much of the background will be seen through the building in the foreground. After a little drying time the paper is then covered with a gel medium to protect the tissue paper with drawing on it. When the medium is dry you can now make marks using oil pastels and metallic sharps, to give the piece more flow and continuity. On the back side of another sheet of black construction paper draw out your city scape. Carefully cut out the building and on the reverse side color in windows and outline the building for definition using a metallic sharpie. The buildings then get glue to the down over the sky. Van Gogh is a great artist for students to relate to, since he didn't really fit into one particular group and like most of us he was just misunderstood.
In this activity, students are exposed to art history through the introduction of Vincent Van Gogh's "Strarry Night". After a brief history lesson and discussion of techniques. The students practice finger painting like Van Gogh first in the air and then get to move into the real thing. We tried to compose our painting as though we were Van Gogh himself with a foreground, middle ground and a background. Since the this is a night scene the tree is the closest thing to the painter this is why it is bigger and one of the darkest parts of the painting. This lesson is great for teaching kindergarten students design elements with out being over the top. Simple lines make up the wind, stars, and building in the composition. The lines in the painting also show movement and brings your eye across the painting to the city below. Van Gogh "Starry Night" also uses the primary triadic color scheme.
This project is an introduction of myself to the class. I feel it gives more of a visual representation of your personality using symbolism! I used two footprints to signify moving forward and learning from mistakes made in the past and to get going when things get tough. I have Egyptian and Mayan images on the footprints to represent both art history and the thrill of traveling around the world. The bust represents my current employment and my favorite color purple. The dragonfly is symbol for myself and is represented in all of my artwork. The dragonfly is also a symbol in most cultures are renewal and a positive force. I have drawn a paint brush to not only represent my passion for painting, but to express my interest in art and design. I am also very athletic and enjoy playing Volleyball as a means of exercise. My footprints are composed in such a way to make visually interesting positive and negative space.