This peer lesson incorporate's art history and creativity. The students learn both op art terms and learn how optical illusions work. This is accomplished by looking at Bridget Riley's work. The students place 20 random dots on a piece of paper, next starting at one end the student draws a line across the page. When drawing the line if there is a dot in the path of that marker the student must go around the dot and continue this process until the page is filled. After which the student will fold the paper in half the long way and write their name in block or bubble letters. Then the name is cut out of the piece of construction paper being careful to keep all of the pieces in order to show positive and negative space. I think this lesson could be incorporated in a science or geology classroom. More specifically how the students can create topographic maps after they have drawn their 20 dots now comes the challenge of what dots are at what elevation. Could give them a list of specific elevations you want them to have represented on the map and the students can go from there.
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